Thursday, January 28, 2010

Custom Car With Red Bandana How Much Does It Cost To Paint A Car Whole / Custom Decals?

How much does it cost to paint a car whole / custom decals? - custom car with red bandana

I have a 2003 Ford Focus ZX3. It is in perfect condition, but perhaps a smaller Nice want to publish. It was an accident and we bought used, and to see that black is every time spec of dust and scratches. But I would like a cherry or painted bright red with white stripes. Oh and another thing, when I was on a red stripe on top of black. And the place to do Maacha is painted, but as my family because we have tons of business for each time I could go over there and us an average reduction of 20-35%. They painted my sisters metallic orange car for $ 600, while amazing work. But anyway How much does it cost to get custom paint, or just strip around, with and without streaks and scratches when I say I want to say something.


  1. poecilotheria metallica keeperJanuary 30, 2010 at 8:03 AM

    You can probably find wallpaper Maacha approximately the same as the car of your sisters. But you get what you pay not painting the door jambs, under hood, trunk, so that the reference price, that also have a setup of your car and raise the price, and as already mentioned, the color red is more expensive

  2. Bright red cars have frequently fired. It is a fact. But for your vinyl to sell some stores to auto parts decal clings to do it myself. and if it does it well, they Dont look bad. I have for my car. ...
    wide range of prices. but usually around 100

  3. Red is one of the most expensive color to paint, I would say that about 2000,00, if you have an offer that would receive less or more.
