Saturday, December 12, 2009

Swetch I Want To Swetch Off Yahoo 360?

I want to swetch off yahoo 360? - swetch

Unfortunately you can not delete, Yahoo! 360 functions. In connection with your Yahoo! Id. If you want your Yahoo! ID for things like Mail, Messenger, Answers, etc., then you must hide your 360th

There are several ways to do this,

Settings 1) Select the option "Change Settings" at the top right of page 360 and all "private". It hides most of its contents, if someone trips on the page.

2) Set the option # 1, then select "Show me first as an" option on the Settings page. Now your profile is not connected to his side 360th Also, uncheck the box "you need to turn on URL" and "Friends of research" of adjustment. In this way, nobody can guess your page 360, for beating your Yahoo! At the end of or search by name or e-mail.

3) Perform options # 1 and # 2 and then delete your friends by clicking on "My Friends" at the top right of the page 360th Select "Edit Configuration" from a friend & # 039; s name, and then select "Delete \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt; friend> from the site" Friends. "Finally, all of their content, blogs, photos, delete, links, lists, comments, etc., is it quite inaccessible population of 360 and / or unusable by anyone happened to get there.

1 comment:

  1. If you have a Yahoo, automatically has 360 pages. You can not delete.
